Tents and Fabric Clad Structures Resources and Links

Warner Shelters Schwergewebe nach Mass Klaus-Dieter Bolte gründete 1975 seine Firma für Zelte und Planen. Ein Jahr darauf 1976 übernahm er das Marketing und die Herstellung der HURRITENT Schutzzelte für Europa von Warner Shell-ter LTD. Winnipeg, Kanada. Wenige Jahre später entstand das Firmenzeichen, das auch noch heute für Qualität in der Zelt-und Planenherstellung steht. Im Laufe der Jahre entwickelte sich ein umfassendes Spektrum an Arbeitszelten, Partyzelten und Grosszelten mit einer unverwechselbaren Modularität und besonderem Design. Auch unsere Planenherstellung zog daraus neue ldeen und Produktivität. Über 35 Jahre Erfolg ist uns ein fortwährender hoher Anspruch und Ansporn. Firma Klaus-Diete Bolte
IFAI -The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI)”is a not-for-profit association representing the entire specialty fabrics/technical/textile industry “
IFAI-Tent Rental Division “ a division of IFAI ,IFAI tent Rental division focuses on the tent rental market ,strive to increase awareness of industry products and services “
CRA-Canadian Rental Association ,”is a not-for-profit industry trade association committed to promoting the success of its members in the party and equipment rental industry’’.
ARA-American Rental Association ,”is a international trade association for the equipment and tent rental industry “
ALFLQ-Association des fabricants des tentes et locateurs des tentes du Quebec –une association a but non lucratif pour toutes personnes qui œuvre dans le domaine manufacturier ,de la fabrication ou de la location de tentes ou d’abris temporaires.
In Tents Magazine –The official publication of the Tent Rental Division of the IFAI.
Rental Management-“the award winning monthly magazine dedicated to the success of equipment and party rentals business.
Canadian Rental Services Magazine-“the voice of Canada’s party and equipment rental industry “
Infolock –Le journal qui informe ses membres de la location des tentes ,structures et equipement.
Event Solution Magazine–"the magazine for successful events and the latest international resources for event professionals “
CWB-The CWB Group is an industry supported private sector not for profit organization providing welding certification, management systems registration and training services to over 7600 companies in 18 countries.
All Shelter Sales and Rentals - All Shelter Sales and Rentals was established in 1984. The company specializes in the sale and rental of tents and party items.
Party Pop-PartyPOP.com is the largest online directory for planning weddings, parties, and events.
Chapiteau Montréal-Vous offrant un vaste choix de tentes, chapiteaux, marquises et accessoires de réception, Chapiteau Montréal Inc. est désormais un leader incontournable de la grande région montréalaise.
Windridge Yacht Charters-Provider of luxury yacht charter boat rentals in South Florida at Palm Beach, Boca Raton, Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, and the Florida Keys.
Special Events Magazine-Special Events Magazine is the “official and premier magazine of the special events industry in North America,” according to the International Special Events Society (ISES).
Spruce Meadows-Spruce Meadows is committed to being the leading venue in the world for the international horse sports with a focus on the organization and hosting of show jumping tournaments of unmatched quality for junior, amateur and professional athletes in a manner that reflects basic family values in a clean, green and welcoming environment that celebrates the horse and encourages the breeding and training of quality sport horses and the teaching and development of athletes.
Calgary Stampede-The Calgary Stampede is a volunteer-supported, not-for-profit community organization that preserves and promotes western heritage and values. The Stampede contributes to the quality of life in Calgary and southern Alberta through its world-renowned 10-day Stampede, year-round facilities, western events and several youth and agriculture programs.
Cavalia - Cavalia integre les arts équestres, la danse, les acrobaties, fulguraqntes, la musique originale.

Cirque Du Soleil-Le Cirque du Soleil est une entreprise québécoise de divertissement artistique spécialisée en cirque contemporain.
Ideal Tent & Party Rentals-Is a supplier of everything you need for an elegant party, corporate promotion, sporting event, wedding, music production, festival, trade show or special event of any kind.
A Bon Prix Location-Le Groupe ABP organise vos réceptions et événements spéciaux tout au long de l'année.
Event Marketer-Your guide to who's who, what's what and who does what in the event industry.
Executive Visions Inc.-Executive Visions Inc. (EVI) is a Primetime Emmy winning Producer, corporate Event Management Agency and Production Company of Brand-Immersive Experiences™.
Eventective Plan the Perfect Event
Chapiteaux Lanaudière Que ce soit un mariage, un anniversaire ou une réunion d'affaires, Chapiteaux Lanaudière met à votre disposition ses magnifiques tentes qui ajoutent au rassemblement un aspect de festivité et de conviavibilité tout en profitant pleinement du grand air. Nous avons des tentes blanches Warner, des tables, des chaises et des planchers. Vous pourrez trouvez tous les renseignements dans la page produit et même demandez une soumission via notre site.
EPS Doublet-Supplier of products that best suit your needs from design to manufacturing, from logistics to installation. EPS-Doublet affords you the opportunity to partner with a global team of event and promotion experts.
Francia® As a leader in the Outdoor Shade industry since 1981, we constantly strive to keep the competitive edge.
IFAI Industrial Fabrics Association International-IFAI brings you access to the resources, networking connections and industry information to be successful. Our services help you meet business challenges in today’s economy.
Party Center Everything under the sun for your party.
RentCharlie.com-Rentcharlie.com is the largest rental site in North America. Whether you're looking for a tool for your weekend project or an RV for your next trip, you can find all the stuff you need to rent quickly and easily on rentcharlie.com.
Cemex-"Our mission is to serve the global building needs of our customers and build value for our stakeholders by becoming the world's most efficient and profitable building materials company." see Cemex 100 years anniversary photo gallery.
HiMFR-Himfr.com is a promising e-commerce company and the leading vertical search engine company in China. We provide an efficient, trusted search engine platform connecting small and medium-sized buyers and suppliers around the world.
Construction Accessories, Inc.was founded in 2007 by Robert and Karen Anderson. Both Bob and Karen worked for Laserplane/Spectra Physics, now Trimble Navigation Systems. Bob’s best mate, an Australian construction laser dealer and concrete contractor, developed the patent pending “peg” puller for the Australian market.
Gralon Après 3 ans de développement www.gralon.net est aujourd'hui un annuaire touristique, culturel et professionnel de qualité s'adressant à un public francophone de plus de 2.5 millions de visites uniques mensuelles. Chaque jour, plus de 20.000 sites internet bénéficient de la notoriété de Gralon pour acquérir des clients supplémentaires. N'hésitez pas à vous inscrire, c'est GRATUIT !!
Macleod Trail Hotels, Calgary, Alberta Our goal is to provide a simple way to browse, shop, compare, and book hotels near Macleod Trail securely online!
Ricardo Velásquez, Cultural Ambassador , Attaché, Embassy of Panama - Washington D.C. "WSSL: Thank you for your precious product!!! This is just the beginning of a great friendship that goes beyond a tent!!!! Thank you for making this possible, because usually a festival like this would take many years before it gets full crowded like it was yesterday in the opening."

Québec Références Guide d'activités populaires tels Vacances, Hébergements, Restaurants, Tourisme, Attraits Touristiques, Sorties, Loisirs, Divertissements au Québec et beaucoup plus.
Advance Water Filters We offer a wide array of services to test your water as well as help you find the perfect match of water filtration equipment for your home or business with the water that is available in your area.
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If you would like us to link to your website please contact us by email or contact form and provide the URL to your website. We ask that if you link to our website that your website has relevant content related to our business, such as tents, fabric structures or pre-engineered fabric buildings.
We look forward to hearing from you as well as for future mutual relationship.